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The “Keto Rash” is described by many on a ketogenic diet and lifestyle, but unlike keto flu and other early-onset issues with a dietary change, the keto rash tends to appear months in or at sporadic times. This has led many to try to find out what is the root of the issue, many have…
Are you someone for whom cardio exercises are a priority? If yes, then it is important for you to rethink the effects that running and skipping have on your body. We will all agree that cardio increases the body’s resistance and stamina. However, people often do not acknowledge that cardio training leads to a decrease…
The perfect body requires the perfect amount of skill and hard work to go into it, which means that you’ll need some way to measure this. The preferred way should always be how much weight you’ve lost or gained, however, as anyone who recently became fit will tell you, there is nothing as amazing as…
Building muscle is easy for some and harder for others. For some people, it seems like an impossible task. It does not matter how much they train and how much they eat, muscle mass seems to avoid them at all costs. So, they start looking towards supplements, in this case, Muscle Mass Gainer but what…
When I was in the gym a few days ago I found myself battling one of my greatest challenges only a day after leg day, the shoulders, and that burn was intense. After enduring the dreadful burn after my workout, I decided to do some research and find out what these broad shoulders really are…
If there is one question I see asked consistently online on Facebook and Twitter it is “Why am I losing hair?”. This is typically because they are following a 90% fat style ketogenic diet, what they don’t know is this was for medical treatment and isn’t proper or necessary to be in ketosis. To get…
Why would you need to know you are fat adapted you ask? Well the more you become adapted to running on fat instead of on carbohydrates the more effective you can be at losing body fat and becoming a lean, mean, beast! The concept around fat adaptation is that your body has to work to…
Injuries, whether muscular or skeletal acquired during workouts, can be very demotivating as they tend to put you on a bed for weeks, thus impeding your muscle growth as well as comprising your muscle training schedule. Not only that, but the injury might, at times, be fatal. What does a dent in your bicep mean?…
I don’t think before I started a ketogenic diet that I had heard my doctor say anything about metabolic syndrome even though I had to have at least 3-4 of the known risk factors. I think due to being overweight my doctor just gave me enough care to get me out the door in many…